Upcoming Events


April 20 – Celebration of Spring – Potluck party at the Clubhouse, Music, Bunco
May 25-26 – Memorial Day Rummage Sale in the Garden.
June 22 – Summer Solstice Faire in the Garden – music, games, vendors
July 4 – Annual Parade – music, vendors, Firemen BBQ
July 20 – Summer Faire in the Garden – Music, vendors, games.
August 17 – Annual Woodstock Party at the Garden
August 31 – Sept. 1 –  Rummage Sale in the Garden
September 14 – Harvest Festival in the Garden
October 26 – Annual Halloween Party – Kids party in the Garden
November 30 – Christmas Tree Lighting  (Clubhouse)
December 14 – Holiday Boutique and Potluck party at the Clubhouse.

70 Responses to Upcoming Events

  1. David Bratkowski says:

    I drove to gvl before with the intent of swimming but could not because the lake had been algae treated. Is there a phone number I can call to obtain information about the scheduled treatment dates so I can save myself a trip?

  2. pete tomaszek says:

    Is there a wood chipper day in 2024?
    Thanks Sandi.

  3. Fernando says:

    Is bbq’ing allowed at the lake? Thank you

  4. Lisa LeQuire says:

    Is there a schedule for the Artisan’s tour 2024?

  5. DanK says:

    Is the kids trout derby happening in this year? Last year it was in June.

  6. Deborah Richmond says:

    AWESOME!!!! Thanx, Sandi!!!! 💃🕺🍷🪇🎸👍💃☔🌞

  7. S. LaCroix says:

    Hello! Where can I find information about the activities scheduled over Labor Day weekend? In the past I believe there has been a band, swimming races, water balloon toss and more. Also wondering if the lake will be clean enough for the races? Thank you!

  8. Jason says:

    Hi is the lake open for swimming today ? It was closed on Friday ?

  9. Deborah Richmond says:

    Will there be a Woodstock concert again this year? If so, what are the dates? We’re soooo excited to go again!! It was FANTASTIC last year!!!!

  10. Cameron says:

    Are residents of GVL able to use their own paddleboards/kayaks on the lake?

  11. JD Lippert says:

    Are we able to use our own paddleboard on the lake? And is there a link to the lake rules (I haven’t found it yet)?

  12. Jennifer says:

    How is the air up there. I am thinking about a visit next week and wanted to check if the Wrightwood fire smoke reached Green Valley.

  13. Patti says:

    Is there any 4th of July festivities planned this year?

  14. Eva says:


    Is it okay to park in front of Green Valley Lake (33231 Green Valley Lake Rd., Green Valley Lake, CA 92341)? I went there once and I saw signage that cars would be towed/ticketed if parked there during winter season (because they needed to plow the snow).

    • Sandi Huckaby says:

      Generally, it’s OK to park along the road- completely off the roadway. After a storm it’s critical not to block the snowplows.

  15. Daniel Dunlap says:

    When is the last time you stoked your lake?

  16. Sandi Huckaby says:

    There is the Water Co. Clubhouse available to shareholders to rent. There is also a Community Center / Museum that is usually available for rent. Try Susan Lopez at sdtl7@juno.com. Or Joyce at 909-867-5713.

  17. Brian Garbark says:

    Hi there,
    Beautiful area. My family and I are planning a trip there Sept 24-26. Is swimming open?
    Thanks, Brian

  18. Dejah Morris says:

    Hello. I’m wondering if we are allowed to have fires in our fireplaces up there for the next few weekends? Does anyone know. I see the mountains are closed through the 17th, but that’s the only information I can find.

  19. Jena says:

    Hi we’re visiting this weekend and wanted to confirm swimming is open? Where do you go to buy the daily passes? First time visiting, I see it says the Market is open but restaurants are closed. Is there anywhere to get food in town that is open? Thank you for your help

    • Sandi Huckaby says:

      Swimming is open. Lifeguard or the Boathouse has the passes. The Market has hotdogs and packaged sandwiches. Near Hwy 18 are 2 open restaurants – about 4 miles.

  20. Ashley says:

    Is swimming opened/allowed at the lake as of August 13, 2021?

    Also, if opened are beach chairs allowed on the swimming side of the lake?

  21. Andrew says:


    I am coming up Labor Day Weekend through September 12. Is swimming/boating open during those dates? I saw the note about COVID on the front page so I am a bit confused. Also, would the dog beach be open? Thanks!

  22. Kate says:

    Can I bring my dog in a fishing boat rental with me?

  23. Sandi Huckaby says:

    Sorry, by order of the County the movies and food carts have been discontinued.

  24. Mike Parkin says:

    Hi are their any events planned for Labor Day weekend, also do you still have the Saturday night outdoor movie
    Mike and Kathy from Hesperia Ca

    • Sandi Huckaby says:

      The Artisan Tour. The Saturday movies at the Black Dog are back.

    • Shelia says:

      I am a part-time resident of Gvl and I believe I read there was going to be a rummage sale on Labor Day weekend. If so, is there a drop off place for items or is there someone that will pick up items for the sale.

    • Eleanor says:

      Hi – We are part-time GVL residents. We have questions about the Woodstock Festival, Aug 14, 2021, as we loved last year’s event:

      1. May we buy tickets ahead online?

      2. If not, how early do we show up to buy tickets on the day of the event?

      3. Is it being held same place as last year, by the lake community center?

      4. Will there be sun shelter?

      • Sandi Huckaby says:

        There are no tickets – it’s all donations for the Community Garden/MCA. Yes, same location. There is some tree shade there most of the day.

  25. John says:


    We are camping in GVL this weekend. Are there any concerts or events happening on Saturday, July 31st?

  26. Jamie Vitullo says:

    Hello! We will be visiting in two weeks from Nevada and will be getting a “non-resident” fishing license. Is this an additional cost beyond that as well???

    3 Day Adult Fishing Pass


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